Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love, Sex, Honor And Shame: Modern Women In Iraq

Sleeping Nude by Marcus Moura (Brazil)

He raped me in the train on our wedding day. I was 13 years old. I'd met him face to face for the first time that day; we were on our way to the honeymoon in Basra. I started screaming I was so scared, but I stopped when he started hitting me... (Zahra)

If you have the opportunity to only read one book in English about the status of modern women in Iraq, your choice should be Sana al-Khayyat's Honour & Shame: Women In Modern Iraq. The book is a ground-breaking, in-depth study conducted over several years among the women of Iraq by al-Khayyat, who was born in the country and holds a PhD in Sociology from Keele University.

In Honour & Shame: Women In Modern Iraq, Al-Khayyat presents a testimony to the world of Iraqi women. Ranging from executives to illiterate housewives, the women speak with frankness of sex and marriage, physical and mental violence, the fear of scandal and their indoctrination into the ideology of honour and shame.

Iraq, as al-Khayyat tells us, is a patriarchal society reinforced by Bedouin traditions. I would call Iraq a socially-dysfunctional society, where the rules, mores and rituals of Arabic culture and Islamic tradition form a heady syncretism which seeks, keeps and binds Iraq's women.

If you follow the Iraqi blogosphere, there is a lack of illumination on women's issues. The secrets Iraqi women have to tell, for the most part, are kept hidden from us, with only bloggers like Marshmallow, Riverbend, Layla Anwar and Touta discussing such topics. That is why, Sana al-Khayyat's Honour & Shame: Women In Modern Iraq is a hidden gem, a shining revelation, as the Morning Star tells us, which Lives and throbs with the yearning of Arab women to be free of oppressive constraint and submission.

Read it and weep. Here are some of the highlights (or lowlights) of the book:

Honor and Sexual Conduct in the Arab World

...the most important connotation of honour in the Arab world is related to the sexual conduct of women. If a woman is immodest or brings shame on her family by her sexual conduct, she brings shame and dishonor on all kin. The subtle differences in the notion of honour are reflected in Arabic, which has two words for honour. One, sharaf, means honour in the wider sense; the other, ird is so important that he will swear by it like the name of God; a man might swear by the ird of his sister...

Why the Arab World Encourages Marriage

Writing on the family, Nahas ('The Family in the Arab World', Marriage and Family Living) has explained the main reasons behind the encouragement of marriage in the Arab world. He notes that while Islam urges people to marry, the social climate of most Arab countries arouses sexual impulses early, although tradition still enforces sexual segregation. The marriage of girls also relieves the family of worrying about their virginity. Finally, the desire for children is very strong among the Arabs.

Love, Iraqi Style

There may be love, but it is not expressed; certainly not in the ways it is expressed in the West. It is considered to be very private, even for husbands and wives; they are not encouraged to show love to each other in front of other people--it would be considered dishonourable on the part of the wife and a weakness if it came from the husband... Husbands assume that for them to show affection might 'spoil' the wife, who would take advantage of them and become demanding.

Iraqi Women are Much More Tied to Their Natal Family Than Their Husband

Iraqi women feel that they belong to their natal family and have much stronger ties with it than with their husband. This might also explain why women tend not to develop any emotional feelings towards their husband; they see him as an outsider who might leave them at any time, whereas the natal family will never do so.

Iraqi Women, Sex and God

Iraqi women are taught to believe that to treat their husbands well in bed, that is, obey demands for sexual intercourse, fulfils their duty to God. Because of this, they put up with their husband's bad behaviour, and try to please him just the same.

Iraqi Men are Unfaithful, So Keep a Watchful Eye on Them

Girls are also taught from an early age that men in general are unfaithful and not to be trusted. By keeping an watchful eye on her husband, treating him well and trying to please him, particularly in bed, a wife will ensure that he remains faithful to her.

Iraqi Women, You Better Think Twice About Giving Birth to a Female Child

My mother had six children: three boys and three girls. When she had her last child--the third baby girl--my uncle was so angry, he beat my mother, causing her grievous body harm which resulted in her death a few months later. (Labiba)

The Most Important Role of Iraqi Parents is to Insure Their Daughter Remains a Virgin Until Her Wedding Day

Young females are socialized to fear men and sexuality and to protect their virginity at all costs. They are taught to avoid strenuous exercise, jumping from heights, or sitting on sharp edges, in order to keep their hymen intact. Correspondingly, the parents' most important duty is to ensure their daughter remains a virgin until her wedding day. That part of a girl's body is considered to be more important even than her eyes, arms or lower limbs.

It's Hard For an Iraqi Woman to Achieve Sexual Satisfaction With an Iraqi Man, or Even Know Where Her G Spot Is...

Iraqi men tend to have minimal knowledge of the female anatomy, and they either do not know how or do not wish to arouse their wives... Men's expectations of sex are high, but since women have no experience and their husbands have no interest in making it pleasurable, it is hard for them to achieve sexual satisfaction. It is important to stress that men themselves do not wish to initiate their wives into sexual fulfilment because they believe it will make them promiscuous.

Hide Your Eyes, Women's Underwear Is Present

Clothes are normally dried on a washing line on the roof, to keep them away from the eyes of inquisitive neighbours. It would be particularly shameful for women's underwear to be seen. This custom often necessitates a woman climbing two long flights of stairs to take clothes up to the roof, rather than using a line in the garden.

The Age Of No Hope

When sexually active, women are constantly controlled and watched until they reach what is called sin al-yaas, the age of no hope. This social belief affects every aspect of women's lives at this age, as some women enter menopause at 40. Starting from this age, and particularly if a woman is widowed, she will wear dark coloured clothes, in most cases black, for the rest of her life. She will wear very little or no make-up and restrict her activities, in order to be imraa wa koora, wa razima, 'a respectable woman.'

Male Sexuality in Iraq is Sacred And Noticed. Female Desire and Passion Must Be Silenced

Society operates a double standard as far as morals are concerned, recognizing only male sexuality. Moreover, this sexuality is regarded as sacred. The idea that women's sexuality and passionate nature, once aroused, will prove too strong to control, and could threaten the whole of the social system, is still a powerful force behind the treatment of women and the behaviour of men... If a woman feels any sexual desire it must not be admitted, even to her husband.

Walad Majnoon Wala Binit Katoon

An Iraqi proverb runs, walad majnoon waala binit katoon, meaning, 'A crazy boy is preferable to a katoon girl.' Katoon describes the concept of the most perfect girl imaginable, one who possesses all the 'feminine' virtues and household skills as well as being beautiful and charming.

Differentiation Between Males and Females Starts Even Before Birth

A phrase frequently used to congratulate a newly married couple is, 'We wish you prosperity and sons.' When a woman becomes pregnant, she will hope, throughout her pregnancy, for a boy. If the baby is a girl, everybody she knows will pity her and feel unhappy for her. In Iraq when people visit the mother of a baby girl, they frequently say, 'It's all right. The womb which held a girl will hold a boy next.' Or, if they are trying to be considerate, and the attitude of the in-laws threatens to become hostile, they might say, 'Never mind. At least the mother's all right.'

Do Iraqi Men Still Slaughter a Cat on their Honeymoon Night?

Another fast-disappearing traditional practice is the bridegroom's slaughtering a cat as the bride enters the bridal chamber before they have sexual intercourse. This was done to scare the bride into obedience, based on the belief that if she were to disobey the husband's demands for sex on the first night of marriage, it might make him permanently impotent.

Do Women In Iraq Still Know Very Little About Their Future Husbands? Perhaps So...

Most women in Iraq still know nothing more about their future husband than his name and appearance, some information about his family and financial status, and particularly his level of education. They know almost nothing about his personality...

Child Raising: Iraqi Ideas of Manhood and Womanhood

In order to fit ideas of manhood, boys are taught to treat younger children as inferior, though ill-treatment of young children is not acceptable from girls, who should always be kind and calm. Whereas boys are taught to be strong and not to be afraid, girls are constantly reminded of fear, and of their physical weakness. They are expected to control themselves and their needs and not be demanding... Boys, on the other hand, are taught to demand what they want and ask for it directly.

Submissiveness is Valued in Iraqi Girls

Because a girl is often awarded for being being submissive and obedient, she will tend to develop a passive or negative personality. The family will make decisions about every area of her life: what she eats, the clothes she wears, how she spends her time, and also more important matters such as education and marriage.

Yes, Iraqi Men and Women are Emotional, But Only Women Pay the Penalty for it

Women as well as men are socialized to be emotional, though in different ways. Men exaggerate their emotions (sometimes, as we have seen, by shouting at their wives and children), but this is not perceived as a sign of weakness. With women, however, although society encourages them to be emotional, this can sometimes work against them, since they are identified with traditional, backward practices such as crying for death... One of the strongest reasons given for excluding women from positions of decision-making is that they are over-emotional.

It's Socially Acceptable for Arab Men to Show Irritable Angry Behaviour

At all-male gatherings, men tend to be aggressive and quarrelsome. If a man is aggressive in the street, this may lead to a general fight. In the case of a car accident, the drivers might get out and start punching each other. Men also tend to make loud sexual comments about any woman in the street who is not veiled or who wears revealing clothing. This behaviour is more common among poor, uneducated people. When educated men need to release their aggressive feelings they do so mainly at home.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Will Najma And Bookish Spend Their Honeymoon In Saddam's Bed?

Saddam's bedroom: Will Najma and Bookish be spending their Honeymoon there? Cr:

Spring has sprung in Iraq, and the Iraqis' thoughts have turned away from war to that of love. And Make Love Not War could have been the recent theme of the Iraqi Blogosphere, as amour was clearly blossoming. First, Sunshine surprised us all admitting she liked Spiky-Haired Iraqi Boys. Now, many of Sunshine's teenage male friends across the world will start wearing their hair rather spiky, just to catch the young Renaissance woman's attention. And, then some shocking big news came rolling down the hill like an elephant on a wobbly skateboard, and left us all gasping our breaths in amazement.



Yes, that Najma, and here's her official announcement: Tomorrow is the second week anniversary of my engagement to the most amazing man.. They were two weeks in heaven.

The "most amazing man" is her fellow Mosul blogger, Bookish, who chimes in, I am now engaged to the nicest and most fantastic girl in the world, The lovely and wonderful Najma. The girl who I am TOTALLY sure that I want to spend every single moment of my life with her. I am so incredibly happy.

Wow, simply red, wow! And how will the Ice Princess be able to concentrate on her studies now, being head over heals in love? Well, we wish the happy couple a lot of luck. But, do they really need any luck with the power of love on their side?

As Najma tells us, Everything feels different now.. I am different now.. this is the beginning of the rest, and the best, of my life.

Sniff, I may cry.

Now, the big question on everyone's minds - after of course, when will the wedding take place? -- is where will they spend their honeymoon?

Well, it may be in Germany, as Bookish is heading off to Deutschland to work on his Master's Degree.

But, why go all the way to Germany, when a Funky Cold Medina of an entertaining Honeymoon can be had for the frolicking twosome in their native Iraq?

As The Sunday Times conveys to us, Saddam’s bed awaits daring honeymooners - The former Iraqi dictator's palatial boudoir is being offered to newlyweds for £150 a night.

And who wouldn't want to honeymoon among Roman columns, chandeliers and gargantuan bathrooms? Located at Hillah, sixty miles south of Baghdad, perched on top of a man-made hill overlooking the magnificent and placid Euphrates, the bedroom and stately palace that comes with it, is all within easy driving distance of the amazing ancient splendour that was Babylon.

Now, that's a Honeymoon, Najma and Bookish, you can tell all your kids about...

Friday, March 06, 2009

Shiastan (Iraqi Theocratic Republic) Welcomes Criminal Terrorist Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani With Open Arms

So where were the spiders while the flies tried to break our balls...

Ziggy Stardust

As expressed in a recent post of hers, Conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel is not happy:

I Told You So: Iran Gets Its Hands Deeper Into "Liberated" Iraq

One of the nightmarish results from America's Iraq fiasco has been the expansion of Iranian hegemony and influence throughout the Middle East. As Debbie tells it, I warned that we should not have democratic elections and hand this country over to Iranian-backed Shi'ites, and instead should have turned it over to a pro-U.S. Shah-like dictator. But instead we opted for this "democracy" (the same kind that put HAMAS and Hezbollah in power).

Personally, I would have preferred a monarchy or even a communist regime to the Theocratic Sectarian Government currently in charge, but I can't (and no one else should) quibble with her over the broadening base of Iranian power in the Middle East.

Within this milieu of increasing Iranian involvement, especially in the affairs of Iraq, Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, head of the influential Iranian Expediency Council, enters the picture.

As Schlussel describes him,  the former Iranian President is, an ally of the late Ayatollah Khomeini and no enemy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the ayatollahs who run Iran. And he's, announced he will fund and assist in Iraq's reconstruction. Rafsanjani is one of Iran's most influential and powerful politicians and religious leaders. He's not pledging the help just 'cuz. He's doing it to solidify the latent unity with Iran that Iraq has developed and will continue to embrace more and more openly. Rafsanjani said he visited Iraq to strengthen Iran-Iraq religious, political, and economic ties. Not a good thing.

Bad Dude 101, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani - cr. Wikipedia

And the Iraqis have welcomed him with open arms. America's favorite exceedingly bloated and corrupt Iraqi President Jalad Talabani greeted Akbar Hasemi Rafsanjani saying, Iraqi authorities could benefit from Rafsanjani's "long experience" as a leader who helped rebuild Iran after its war with Iraq...

And it's not surprising at all that he met with his fellow Israel-despising, Mr. Sharia Law himself, the Grand Dragon, Ayatollah Sistani (Thanks Ladybird): Rafsanjani visited Shiites holly (sic) cities Karbala and Najaf and met with Shiites Supreme clerics, Rafsanjani described his meeting with Sistani as “historical”.

That must have been one hell of a "historical" Jew-hate fest when those two noted anti-Semites came together. I can just imagine their conversation: 

Rafsanjani: In Iran, we hang our Jews.

Sistani: We chased all our Jews away, only five left in the country.

Rafsanjani: Can't top that. You da Man, Sistani.

Well, Iraq's happy embrace of Rafsanjani should should elicit disgust from any American that cares about Iraq. Frankly, Rafsanjani should be subjected to citizen's arrest, because he is both a criminal and a terrorist thug.

On July 18, 1994, the Argentine Israeli Mutual Aid Association (Argentina Jewish Community Center) in Buenos Aires was bombed in a terrorist attack, resulting in the deaths of 85 people and casualties in the hundreds.   The suicide bomber, Ibrahim Hussein Berro, a "Hezbollah operative from Lebanon" (with relatives in Dearborn, Michigan), carried out the attack at the behest of Hezbollah, and according to Argentinian prosecutors,  the decision to attack the center, was undertaken, "by the highest authorities of the then-government of Iran..." which was of course headed by Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.  In 2006, the Argentinian prosecutors asked a federal judge to,  order the arrest of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and seven others for the Jewish Community Center bombing...They asked the judge to seek international and national arrest orders for Rafsanjani...

There was also, among other criminal acts that Rafsanjani organized, the "1992 Mykonos restaurant assassinations of Sadiq Sharafkindi, an Iranian-Kurdish leader, as well as three of his associates," which German prosecutors contend was, "personally ordered" by Rafsanjani and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.   

Can you imagine the United States allowing acceptance of such tainted reconstruction money? Well, perhaps under the current Obama administration, but during previous administrations, not even Bill Clinton would stoop so low.

But, then again this is Iraq, and the bombing of a Jewish Community Center would be greeted favorably by many Iraqis, including some of the bloggers. In fact, I recall one Iraqi blogger commenting a while back, that they'd like to see Israel burned and the Jews driven into the sea.

Any ways, as a VOA report notes: Washington has expressed concern about increasing ties between the two Shi'ite-majority neighbors.

Lol, if only the Bush administration had thought of that beforehand...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey, Hey, What Can You Say...

LOL, I’m thinking of starting an Internet petition to have you
rename this blog, Last Of The Gay Iraqis. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Mister Ghost to Salam Pax

Hey, hey, what can you say...

...Did you see the plane crash in New York? No casualties, amazing. I never trusted those Canadian Jihadi Geese. Any ways, I was thinking, if that plane went down in Iraq, they would shoot the passengers, steal the aircraft, and smuggle it into either Kurdistan or Iran. Anywhere else in the Middle East, there would be fights over the life preservers, and people would be pushed into the water and drown.

...The self-promoting Michael Yon reminds me of Raed Jarrar - always threatening with the lawsuits... Frankly the embedded reporters in Iraq, did not impress me. It was after all, a very synthetic environment they operated in. Unembedded, as with Steven Vincent, Sunshine of Mosul, and Queen Amidala reporting right straight from the Heart of Darkness, their coverage was worth reading.

...Speaking of Sunshine, is she not the Taylor Swift of Iraq? A fast-rising, young prodigy whose words cut across all barriers and resonate with an American and worldwide audience? Most definitely so. Here's the great Taylor singing one of my recent favorites, Our Song...

...What's the worse thing that can occur to you in the Religious Apartheid Kingdom of the Saud? Work as a Filipino houseboy with all those repressed homosexual Saudi men trying to paw you and more? That's a pretty bad state of being. Perhaps, be one of the millions of frustrated Saudi woman, who are not allowed to drive, and who decides to say, "Bleep it" to the rules, and takes the car out for a spin. Which results in the death of a couple of people, because the woman had no experience, and wearing an abbaya while driving is an accident waiting to happen. That indeed is pretty awful. And then there's Hamoud bin Saleh, a Saudi blogger who converted to Christianity and announced it on his blog Saudi Christian. The Saudi authorities did not find this amusing at all. They arrested Hamoud, blocked his blog inside the Tragic Kingdom, and jailed the young blogger at the infamous Eleisha political prison in Riyadh, a prison which in 2004 witnessed the arrest of the reformists Matrouk el Falih, Ali el Domini and Eissa al Hamed. Now, with the world's attention focused on Gaza, he may suffer a fatal work related accident inside the gaol.

... Free Boy George, Free Boy George, LOL ala Free Mumia. Well, here's the Boy at his pre-handcuffs best with The Crying Game...

...Barack Obama's ascension to the Presidency has really lowered the bar as far as future American leaders are concerned. Now, you can do coke, attend a racist church for twenty years, hang out with terrorists, emerge out of one of the most corrupt political systems in the world, conceal your medical records, promise anything and everything to one and all, engage in campaign contribution fraud, be fawned over by the press... the list of flaws and fallacies is breathtaking.

...For all you Muntadhar al-Zeidi haters (you know who you are), LOL, some of his prison guards threw a party for his 30th birthday and brought him a birthday cake. I wonder if his cake had 30 candles and he could make a wish? Now, that would have never happened during Saddam's time. But, seriously, Maliki should just pardon the guy and let it be an amusing end to President Bailouts' tenure.

...If you're curious as to how American journalists are reacting to the economic crisis, closures, and management machinations affecting many of the nation's print media, be sure to check out Angry for some spirited angst.

...The big story in the Middle East: No, not the Israel-Hamas War, but the condition of Hamas TV's Pioneers of Tomorrow show Giant Jew-Eating Bunny, Assud. It's a cliffhanger folks, as to whether Assud will live or die, although personally, I was more a fan of Nahoul the Jew-hating bee, who expired in a Gaza hospital, the victim of an Israeli Fly-Swatter Missile. Here is, what may or may not be, Assud's final moments...

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